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Which of the following describes Google’s experimentation tool?

  • It’s a powerful testing tool that helps boost campaign performance for a small additional cost.
  • It’s a powerful testing tool that shows all users two versions of an ad so you know which people prefer.
  • It’s a powerful testing tool that lets you assess the effectiveness of creatives, audiences, or other variables.
  • It’s a powerful testing tool that uses a simulated ad environment to determine which creative or audiences will perform best.
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What is the difference between an emerging story arc and a traditional story arc?

  • The traditional story arc builds slowly to a climax and brands at the end, whereas the emerging story arc starts off high and has unexpected shifts to keep viewers watching.
  • The traditional story arc brands right away and ends with a climax, whereas the emerging story arc starts low and unexpectedly shifts to the climax right away.
  • The traditional story arc starts low and unexpectedly shifts to the climax right away, whereas the emerging story arc brands right away and ends with a climax.
  • The traditional story arc starts off high and has unexpected shifts to keep viewers watching, whereas the emerging story arc builds slowly to a climax and brands at the end.
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You’re managing app campaigns for a financial services company. Which of the following assets should you use?

  • A video that tells a complete story, including the user’s financial problem and how the app solves it
  • A headline that states the name of the app and a call-to-action to download
  • An image of someone holding a phone with the app on-screen and a logo overlayed
  • A screen-capture video of someone exploring their financial performance page