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While checking out the campaign report in your Google Ads account, you see that after implementing conversion tracking tags for your website, at least two of your ads generated more than 100 view-through conversions. Based on that info, what action would be considered a view-through conversion?

  • A view-through conversion action in when a customer sees and interacts with your ad, but then doesn’t complete a conversion on your site.
  • A view-through conversion action is when a customer sees but doesn’t interact with your ad, and then later completes a conversion on your site.
  • A view-through conversion action is when there are only conversions from browsers that don’t allow cross-site cookies.
  • A view-through conversion action is done in-store only and doesn’t require the customer to have interacted with your ad.
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If an ad campaign is optimized by Google’s AI, what’s happening?

  • The campaign is using data-driven attribution to automate tasks. The process has all the necessary data.
  • The campaign is using basic tasks, then software, to automate those tasks, and the process has all the necessary data.
  • The campaign is using rules-based attribution and software to achieve desired AI-friendly outcomes to influence the process and avoid optimizing for those outcomes.
  • The campaign is using AI and machine learning technology to predict what will achieve the best conversion outcomes to optimize bidding, creative, etc.
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Target ROAS bidding can correctly be described in which of the following ways?

  • Target ROAS analyzes and intelligently predicts the value of a potential conversion every time a user searches for products or services that are being advertised. Then it automatically adjusts bids for these searches to maximize return.
  • Target ROAS determines that if a user’s search is likely to generate a conversion with high value, target ROAS will bid low on that search.
  • Target ROAS uses historical and uploaded data to set the value of a conversion every time a user searches for products or services that are being advertised. Then it automatically adjusts bids for these ads to maximize return.
  • Target ROAS determines that if a user’s search is likely to generate a conversion with low value, target ROAS will bid high on that search.