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Your client, a skin care products company, is interested in a new ad campaign set up within Campaign Manager 360. They’ve already had their Campaign Manager 360 network set up. Step-by-step, which processes should you follow when carrying out their campaign?

  • Create ads. 2. Create an advertiser. 3. Create a campaign. 4. Create a placement. 5. Upload creatives. 6. Assign placements and creatives.
  • Create an advertiser. 2. Create a campaign. 3. Create a site. 4. Create a placement. 5. Upload creatives. 6. Create ads. 7. Associate the ads. 8. Assign placements and creatives. 9. Download and send placement tags.
  • Create a campaign. 2. Create an advertiser. 3. Create a placement. 4. Create a site. 5. Create ads. 6. Upload creatives. 7. Assign placements and creatives. 8. Associate the ads. 9. Download and send placement tags.
  • Create an advertiser. 2. Create a placement. 3. Create a campaign. 4. Upload creatives. 5. Create ads. 6. Assign placements and creatives.
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You’d like to add mobile ads to your current campaign, but some creatives are already mobile-optimized and could be appearing on mobile websites. What’s the first consideration you should look at within the Campaign Manager 360 account to make sure of delivery and to reach your goal?

  • Review your Cross-environment Report to check on campaign effectiveness across all environments, including mobile.
  • Configure your account within Campaign Manager 360 to include apps, mobile devices, and tablets.
  • Use mobile-friendly sizes and formats when organizing your campaign in Campaign Manager 360.
  • Examine your trafficking settings in Campaign Manager 360 to determine if mobile-friendly sizes and formats are included.
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Your client wants to create a video campaign with your agency. They ask you for an example when you might use the video impressions or video starts metric from Campaign Manager 360. How do you answer them?

  • You’re a marketing manager for a mobile phone repair company that has rolled out a new marketing campaign featuring video ads. You’d like to know how many people have watched the video ad from start to finish.
  • Your bakery is promoting new baked goods in your inventory. In this campaign, you’re featuring video ads and want to see how many impressions your video ads have received.
  • You’re a lighting fixture company owner who’s ready to promote a new line of lamps. You’re running video ads and want to discover how many people have watched the first quartile of the video ad.
  • You’re the marketer for a carpet-cleaning service. You’ve launched a new video ads campaign for them and want to uncover how many people have watched to the midpoint of the video ad.
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An agency is working with a jewelry retailer on a campaign. They review their client’s report and notice that the default ads are running more often than the ads assigned by the campaign. What factor may be causing this issue?

  • They included four different creatives to run in this campaign.
  • They included geographic, language, and technology targeting.
  • They set the ad priority to “2,” and then it ran before the standard ad.
  • They enabled the ad to run across different sites and platforms.